We don't just talk about the need for diversity on our stages...

We put our money where our mouth is.

Through our StoryLines initiatives, bAKEHOUSE provides a platform for First Nations artists, culturally and linguistically diverse artists, and the work of queer and trans practitioners - telling their stories their way. Not just because there are so many amazing artists who deserve to be on our stages. But because if you’re investing in the future of the arts in Australia then you should be telling Australian stories.

At KXT bAKEHOUSE is committed to identifying, engaging and investing in the next generation of Australian Stories.


since first launching in 2008 bAKEHOUSE has led the way in staging stories that most accurately reflect our world. Productions have featured casts and stories from Sierra Leone, Uganda, Afghanistan, India, Zimbabwe, the Philippines, Japan, China, Malaysia, and remote, rural and regional Australia. Key to the success of these productions has been partnering with community and cultural organisations, and bringing representatives and advisors into the writing and rehearsal room.


at KXT, bAKEHOUSE prioritises diverse programming, and supports companies to work with inclusive and representative casts and creatives. Throughout the year we feature and support queer and trans storytelling - and not just during Mardi Gras.

All productions listed below received isngificant bAKEHOUSE subsidies and support

Making theatre is more than a show and bAKEHOUSE has invested in work done behind the scenes, providing opportunities for significant sector change. Click link for more